You’ve had a root canal done, and now you need a dental crown in North Seattle. Your dentist will need to have a permanent crown made, and they’ll discuss a temporary option at first.

Of course, you’re thinking about the costs. You want to get the most out of any money that you spend, and that means getting the longest you can out of that temporary crown. How long is it going to last before you have to get something permanent?

Temporary Dental Crowns Are Designed to Last Until You Get Your Permanent One

A permanent dental crown in North Seattle is likely to take two to three weeks to get into your dental office. Of course, the dental organizations knew that people would need something to get through that wait. Temporary crowns were made with that two to three week timeframe in mind.

These crowns are not designed to last for months or years. They’re designed only to last until the permanent items can be made—not when you want them to be made, but the minimum timeframe the lab is able to create them.

Temporary crowns tend to be made in your own dentist office. They are made with resin, which isn’t as durable as porcelain or metal. The problem is the permanent fixtures can’t be made in your own dentist office.

You’ll Need to Take Care of Your Temporary Dental Crown

Not only is your temporary dental crown in North Seattle only supposed to last a short time, but it also needs a lot of care and maintenance. The material isn’t supposed to be a lifetime option. This is why they don’t cost as much as the more permanent fixtures.

You’ll need to follow the instructions given to you by your dentist. This usually involves watching the types of foods that you eat for a short period of time. Avoid the chewy or hard candy that is known for dislodging the temporary crowns.

Some can Last Longer If Necessary

There are times that you will need to wear a temporary dental crown in North Seattle for a little longer. This is something that your dentist will discuss with you. Usually, it’s due to the lab requirements for your permanent crown, and it can mean a month or two with a temporary option.

While the crown can last this long with good care and maintenance, it’s not designed to. This means you shouldn’t push it before you get your permanent fixture in your mouth. This is just a need at the time due to manufacturing.

Your insurance should cover you for all your crown needs. This will depend on your provider, and your dentist will be able to make a call for you to find out how much coverage you have, especially if you have direct billing.

When your dentist recommends a crown, it’s not because they want your money. It’s because you need the protection over the tooth. A temporary dental crown in North Seattle is as the name suggests—temporary. It’s only designed to last a few weeks.