YOUR CONCERNS: The fear of trauma and judgment can be overwhelming. Your bad experience in the past has kept you away for months or even years. Now there’s an emergency that keeps you up at night or keeps nagging you during the day. Putting this off can lead to miserable consequences. You don’t have to be afraid any longer. Dentistry has advanced tremendously over the past decade and we will not judge you.
Do you have any of the following fears: loss of control, the drill, pain, needles, panic attack, choking, numbness, bad reaction, cost, gagging, embarrassment? We understand your concerns and we want to change your experience.
WE OFFER ORAL SEDATION: At your initial visit, the doctor sits in a calm environment, listens to your concerns and reviews your medical and dental history. Oftentimes we prescribe Anti-Anxiety medication as “oral sedation” in the form of pills or tablets. We try to take the appointment slowly, give you ample breaks, time to relax, use restroom, grab something to drink, sit up and read and ask questions as much as possible.
Our practice is unique. In Mill Creek, we have dental massage chairs which anxious patients describe as “incredibly effective in calming nerves”… see for yourself! Additionally, we have weighted blankets, disposable single-use ear plugs, stress balls and TV entertainment. We encourage patients to bring headphones and music or audio-books (just in case)!
Following COVID-19, we are taking infection control and patient safety to the highest level possible. We have implemented strategies to minimize your time in the dental office and maximize your comfort. Paper forms have been eliminated, we are fully digital, and are proud of the eco-friendly ways we run our practice.
UW Alum, Dr. Ilona Furman, has personal experience dealing with dental fears and can empathize with your concerns. Additionally, she has over 10 years of clinical experience working in private practice with challenging cases and uses the interdisciplinary approach to render you the best treatment possible.