When it comes to looking for a pediatric dentist near me in North Seattle, you want to find someone who is knowledgeable and caring. To determine if they’re any good for your children, you need to understand what you’ll gain from having a pediatric dentist.
A pediatric dentist does specialize in infants, children, and teenagers. While some will also be dentists for adults, they get the name “pediatric” dentist because they have done the extra courses needed to specialize fully for those with smaller mouths and special needs when it comes to baby teeth and emerging adult teeth. Here’s a look at what you’ll gain by choosing a specialist for your children.
Regular Checkups for Everyone
It doesn’t matter if you have an infant or a teenager, a pediatric dentist near me in North Seattle is going to perform regular checkups. Like with adults, these checkups need to be every six months. Don’t leave it more than a year.
Checkups are essential for good health care. They will include teeth cleaning, watching out for early signs of cavities, and checking in on the way baby teeth are growing and adult teeth are emerging.
With the regular checkups, you can avoid costly oral needs later in life. It will seem like an expense at first, but really it’s an investment on the oral health that’s more than worth making.
Fluoride Treatments at a Pediatric Dentist Near Me in North Seattle
Something you’ll find a pediatric specialist will do is look into fluoride treatments available. This is important to help prevent cavities from forming. Sure, you can get fluoride treatments in toothpastes, but the treatments at the dentist are aimed at certain ages and will be placed directly on the teeth, especially the most problematic ones getting cavities.
Some children will suffer more cavities than others. This isn’t necessarily bad oral care. In fact, those who brush their teeth regularly can end up with cavities and other issues. Some of it comes down to genetics. A dentist will be able to look at this and plan ahead to help minimize cavities in younger children in the future.
Cavity and Other Oral Repair Work
Children do get cavities even when they try hard not to. They also can end up dealing with fractured or chipped teeth. Some will even find their teeth are knocked out. It can all happen from falling over, playing sports, or just not really watching out for the health of their teeth when they hit their teenage years. A pediatric dentist near me in North Seattle will be able to deal with that and repair the damage.
A pediatric dentist will also look at the shape of the mouth and diagnose bite problems early on. This can help to get braces at an earlier age to prevent future issues. A good dentist will also be able to detect oral health conditions earlier due to diabetes, ADHD, and other health problems.
Getting a specialist is better for overall health benefits. You’ll want to look out for a pediatric dentist near me in North Seattle to benefit your children.