If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. At least, that’s the common saying. There are times that things can look too good to be true but turn out to be true. That’s the case with invisible braces in Mill Creek.

You’ll hear all about Invisalign and other brands that offer invisible braces. They are a little more like mouth guards rather than actual braces, and they do look almost invisible.

What Are Invisible Braces in Mill Creek?

Invisible braces are like clear mouth guards. They’d molded to the teeth to make sure they fit snuggly. The idea is that they help to straighten the teeth without the old-school metal braces connected to the teeth.

Invisible braces can help people to take care of their teeth while they’re getting things straightened. One of the issues with metal braces is that you need special tools to be able to clear out all the built-up food around them.

This doesn’t mean people can take them out whenever they want. It’s still important to treat the problem seriously.

How Can They Work Like Real Braces?

At first, invisible braces in Mill Creek didn’t work as well as metal ones. They were good for minor problems, but not the big ones that would require a full mouth of braces. Like with any technology, things have adapted, and Invisalign is one of the top brands for straightening teeth.

To make sure they work, you’ll need to wear the braces for at least 22 hours of the day. Yes, this means wearing them overnight, which is something a lot of patients don’t like to do. However, if you don’t wear them overnight, you’re going to end up taking longer to see results.

At least 22 hours a day isn’t 24 hours a day, which you’d have with traditional braces! You can take them out to eat and brush your teeth, making food and drink more enjoyable.

You’ll also need to see your dentist regularly. As your teeth move, you’ll need to get a new set of invisible braces in Mill Creek molded. This is consistent until you get your teeth at the shape wanted.

In many cases, Invisalign will work faster than real braces. It’s possible to cut the time down by six months or so, but it will require consistent work to look after your teeth. Your smile is worth it.

Do You Wear Invisible Braces Forever?

What happens at the end of the treatment? In many cases, you’ll end up with a guard that you can wear overnight. This is a great way to keep your teeth in shape, and is essential if you grind or clench your teeth while you sleep.

Your dentist will discuss your needs for the after treatment. This is just as important as the after treatment for regular braces.

Are you in need of braces? It’s time to look at invisible braces in Mill Creek. Not only do you get to avoid people staring, but you’ll also have something you can enjoy your favorite foods with.