When you have an emergency dental need, you’ll need to see a same day dentist in Seattle. This is often not your regular dentist, so you need to be prepared. You may not even be able to get into your usual clinic if there are multiple dentists there and need to drive to another location in the area.

Seeing someone new for your oral health needs is scary. It can lead to a lot of anxiety, so you’ll need to get an idea of what to expect when you walk in. The first part is going to be the same as your usual visits, which you explaining who you are and who you’re going in to see. From there, things could be a little different.

The Dentist Is There to Treat the Emergency

A same day dentist in Seattle isn’t interested in the whole oral health. Their job right now is to fix the immediate issue, so they will want to know what has brought you in for the emergency appointment. Don’t worry about explaining why you haven’t seen a dentist in a couple of years. Just stick to the reason for your visit today.

This will help the dentist get to the root of the situation. There are times that some dental history is needed, such as if this is a tooth with a previous filling or other work. However, a lot of the time, your previous oral health history isn’t necessary.

One thing a dentist will do is ask about your pain level. This is usually between 1 and 10, with 10 being the highest. It helps to determine just how severe this emergency is.

You’ll Likely Get an X-Ray

Depending on the type of issue you’ve gone into the dentist for, you’ll likely get an X-ray. This helps the same day dentist in Seattle see the overall issue with the emergency. After all, while the pain is in one area, there could be a bigger problem under the surface of the tooth.

With the X-ray, the dentist will be able to put together the best course of treatment. They see if there’s an infection growing to know if antibiotics are needed, and they’ll be able to see which type of repair work is going to be the best for the teeth.

Work on the Emergency and Offer Other Recommendations

Now that the same day dentist in Seattle knows what the problem is, they can treat it. This is only going to be emergency treatments, so the basic of what you need to stop the pain until you can see your regular dentist. If this is your regular dentist with an emergency timeslot, they may do a little more work to save time later. It’s something your dentist will talk to you about.

Then there’s the follow-up plan and other recommendations. Most of this is going to be with your regular dentist if you’ve had to see someone different. If you’ve seen your own dentist, they’ll book the next appointment and know how important it is to get a speedy option, usually within a couple of days.

Don’t be nervous at a same day dentist in Seattle. They’re only there to help get to the bottom of the emergency so you can see your regular dentist.